意大利阿德勒(ADLER Spa)成立于1989年,公司现已成为当今世界上球阀的制造商之一。公司坐落于意大利圣斯泰法诺狄奇诺,拥有全新的现代化的12.5000平方米的生产车间。目前公司员工已过一千人,销售网络遍布,在意大利,英国,德国,法国均设有生产机构。公司以其的质量,以及具竞争力的价格,使其产品大部分。我们的宗旨是生产质量过硬的产品。目前其生产的阀门,限位开关遍运用在化工,食品,石油等行业,并得到客户的一致。阿德勒公司通过质量过硬的产品及的服务,一直被客户称道。
With its excellent quality and competitive price, the company has made its products popular in most countries around the world. Our aim is to produce products of excellent quality. At present, the valve and limit switch are widely used in chemical industry, food industry, petroleum industry, and get the praise of customers. Adler company through the quality of products and quality services, has been praised by customers.